Monday, February 27, 2017

Integrity and Authenticity

Only on my milestone birthday would I have my own "ring of fire" solar eclipse and alignment of planets that only happens once every 2,000 surrounded by friends I have known for many, many lifetimes.  It was a truly magical and mystic experience I will never forget.  There were so many instances where we all witnessed things that even the biggest skeptic in my circle of friends was freaked out and could not explain it with conventional science. 

We are entering an age with an awareness of the importance of integrity.  Think about it.  Fake news.  Fake politicians.  Fake people.  We are all craving truth and authenticity in this superficial world.  When we experience truth it's not always a pleasant epiphany, as letting go of old beliefs and relationships is often painful and difficult.  Bring it on. 

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