Sunday, October 2, 2016


I've been at my job for almost 30 years.  I've seen everything in regards to the business world and people.  You don't know somebody until you either live with them or get in the middle between them and their insatiable quest for money.

People get funny when it comes to money.

I've spent the last 30 years of dealing with people and their money.  Humanity does not impress me.  Seemingly charming people turn completely psycho when an inheritance, business venture, divorce, or all the above come into play. 

Anyway, I have no ideals that have been left unscathed, and admiration-filled visions of people I once believed were good popped like a balloon. 

Now I'm dealing with a newbie at work who thinks he can change the world.  He's full of hyper-active hope that borders on annoyance.  Again, everybody wants to change the world and offer free stuff until they're asked to contribute financially. 

We have coined the nickname "Shiney" for him.  He's like a hyper dog that is always chasing after the car.  He's always wanting NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW and has little regard for experience or time-tested practices.  He wants everything NOW.  Total instant gratification syndrome.  He doesn't see anything long-term or think things through.  He's like the little kid who can't understand why he can't have cookies before dinner and protests bath and bedtime.  After all, his friends want cookies, too.  They also want to stay up and watch Monday Night Wrestling.  So, majority rules, right????  What do old geezers know?  REBEL.

We all know the reasons we don't give cookies before meals and have bath and bedtime.  It's for their own good - although they just don't immediately see it.  They think we're being mean and throw a tantrum and say they hate us. 

Anyway...that's the mentality I'm dealing with in regards to Shiney.  He's on his third marriage which solidifies my belief that NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW is his mantra on all levels and has no commitment to see anything through long-term start to finish.  He's also had to borrow money from his dad so his house was not foreclosed on and the bill collectors have him on speed he's been entrusted with $160 million pension fund and a $17 million health trust?  I'm going to brag here for one second.  I have a perfect 850 FICO credit score.  No shit. 

Shiney and I are exactly 2 months apart in age.  I'm like a cynical hard-ass, and he's like a hyper active two year old challenging his parents on all levels.  He's got the 'terrible twos' at age 49 and I've got Maxine syndrome. 

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