Monday, October 31, 2016

Blessed Samhain - Black Flames

Blessed Samhain, everybody.  That's Happy Halloween to those unfamiliar with Samhain.  I'm still freaked out as last night I had a waking nightmare that scared the ****** out of me. 

I've always had weird, wonky dreams.  That's just me.  I've always had them ever since I can remember.  I expect weirdness every night when I go to sleep.  Last night was different.

My "normal" weird dream was about an old boyfriend.  It's weird because now he's been in my dreams for two nights in a row.  He want's to talk to me.  I'm not sure if I want to talk to him because he was the source of a lot of pain in my life.  However, I don't want to be an immature petty bitch, either, after so much water has gone under the bridge.  There were some good times and memories. Anyway, in the dream he wants to talk to me and I'm not so sure I want to open up that door.  Tigers don't change their stripes.  Why bother?  Some doors are better left closed.

As I'm struggling as to whether or not I want to talk to him or not the dream suddenly changes.  I find myself in bed and I'm being held down by black flames.  The flames looked a lot like the picture.  I'm trying to wrestle with the black flames and get them off me.  Whatever it is, it's definitely evil.  At this point I think I'm awake and I see the black flames.  I'm scared.  For whatever reason, I start out loud with the Lord's Prayer (I'm not a religious person) and the black flames dissipated and vanished. 

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