Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Really dumb things that piss me off

I know that this entire blog is dedicated to stupid things that piss me off, but here is a list of the most trivial things that push my buttons (like I need any help).  Here goes:

1.  Cup holders in cars that can't hold a cup.  No, don't put Kleenex, gum wrappers, whatever, in the cupholder.  That's where MY DRINK GOES.  It's not a waste receptical

2.  Surveys.  Just about every transaction now wants a "customer experience servey".  Fuck off.  I don't need anything else to do -- especially to do your job FOR you pro bono.  If you feel the need to ask you already know you're messing up.  Don't waste my time.  Get out of your ivory tower and down in the trenches.

3.  Urban Greenies.  They all want the comforts of luxury living with all the modern amenities, but think that growing parsley on their kitchen window sill makes them a farmer and 'living green.'   You can't have your cake and eat it, too.  Go live out in Alaska off the grid.  News flash - there is not a Starbucks nor a Whole Foods within a 1,000 mile radius.  Oh, and your cell phone/computer will not work so posting feel-good promo pics pumping your own self-righteous ego is a waste of time.

4.  Politicians.  Need I say more?

5.  People who don't pick up their dog's shit.

6.  People who run red lights because THEIR time is more important than YOURS.

7.  Nosy acquaintances who deem themselves experts on your life while their own is up in flames.

8.  Tab suckers.  You know.  When you go out in a group and divide up the final tab equally.  There are always the ones in the group who order the most expensive items on the menu while the others order mid range.  When the final bill arrives and it's split equally, the tab suckers take more than they give and pay less than their fair share.

9.  Telephone or door-to-door solicitors.  I'm home minding my own business.  Stop bothering me.  Don't you DARE interrupt my bath time complete with Michael Jackson on Pandora and a glass of wine.  Maybe I should greet them naked.  That would certainly scare them away.

10.  Relatives.  In laws or out laws???????

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