Sunday, July 19, 2015


I've finally arrived....and now plan on leaving.  For years I have passed up travel with my job.  It was just too difficult to travel abroad and at length when I had kids I was responsible for. 

Now it's MY TURN.  I just found out that I get to spend a month next summer in Europe -- The Netherlands, Belgium, and France.  At the end of my stint I get fireworks on Bastille Day at the Eiffel Tower followed by a 7 day river cruise on the River Seine to Normandy.

I've never been to France.

I heard the French hate Americans but I'm the type who will actually make an effort to learn the language and customs.

I just had my first anxiety-ridden travel dream last night.  I was at the airport.  I did not have my passport.  I was late for my plane.  You of those dreams where you're completely unprepared and running but going nowhere.

I'm not leaving my passport until the last minute.  There are circumstances which require extra bureaucracy for mine.  NOTHING is going to get in the way of this trip -- not even WWIII.

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