Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Obituary

Today my sister had to write her husband's obiturary.  This is not what she was planning on doing today.  I'm certain that after my sister and her husband parted company upon finishing breakfast that fateful day the last thing either of them were thinking was a fatal accident.  Somehow that never makes the "to do" list which we are all obsessed with.

The obituary.  It begs the question of all of us.   What are we going to leave behind?  The only thing that really lives after we are gone are the memories and impressions we made on others.  Notice I used the word "lives."  Leaving behind a pile of money or other material things does not qualify as living.

Which goes back to the obituary.  Which words are going to be used to describe you and your life?  What about my life?  Leaving behind a bitchy blog isn't good enough for me.  I want to try to make peace with everything and practice compassion and kindness.  I know that nobody has found the magic answers to rid the world of injustice, violence, and greed.  Even Jesus Himself was killed for trying.  I'm not going to even try to pretend I have any power.  It's all been tried and said before.

It goes back to my personal mantra of late of kindness, compassion, and forgiveness.  Even for the assholes who really piss me off and don't deserve it.

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