Monday, April 21, 2014

Karma and Compassion

April 2014 will go down in my personal journals as karma komplete.  Why?  OMG.  Where do I even start?

I've griped before that I've always thought my "soul mate" was NOT Prince Charming riding in on a white horse and living happily ever after.  Rather, it's the guy I work with who has delusions of grandeur thinking he's the next Adolf Hitler.

No, we are not best friends.  We generally can't stand one another.  If the future of all humanity depended on us reproducing it would NOT happen.  I don't think he likes females anyway, so it's a moot point.

Anyway,  I spent all day Wednesday in San Leandro with him while he grandstanded his ideas on how methodically folding the foil in chewing gum wrappers is going to save the world.  This guy works 60+ hours per week convincing himself that the proposed legislation on the proper folding of gum foil will save our dying industry.  We need to get our elected representatives involved!  Bond measures need to be passed to fund the 'gum foil' initiative!  It's all for motherhood and apple pie!  Rally the gum foil inspectors!  Set outrageous fines!  Our industry must prevail by these artificial, pathetic means!

Yes, I admit I sat in the back with the few kindred souls in my organization snipping at Captain Gum Foil and his sidekick, DoubleMint.  The next day was no better.  I spent 7+ hours  with Captain Gum Foil in a meeting that would not end lest the sound of his own voice would cease and graciously relieve us.

All this petty $#@%^&* changed in a heartbeat.  Today I received word that Captain Gum Foil's two-year-old grandson drowned in a tragic accident at his home.  For the first time ever, Captain Gum Foil and I shared tears.  For the first time ever I felt true compassion and sympathy for somebody who I considered an "enemy."

I may be a bitch, but I don't wish such a tragic loss on anybody.

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