Friday, October 11, 2013

Introvert: INFP

That's what my problem is.  I'm an introvert.  Only 25% of the population is introverted.  To makes matters worse, the Myers-Briggs personality tests me as an INFP, which only 1% of the population shares.  That means 99% of you all just annoy me.  Shocker.

Well, I share that personality type with:  John Lennon, Frank Lloyd Wright, Edgar Allen Poe, Jim Morrison, J.R.R. Tolkein, Bjork, Joan of Arc, and others. 

No, I don't like the spotlight.  No, I don't need to be the center of attention.  Yes, I LOVE being alone.  No, I don't yap on the phone constantly and need to be in constant communication with people.  People in general just wear me out.  I'm not a party goer, but I can do it and appear like I'm having the time of my life. 

I heard a saying once.  It was, "If you don't like to be alone, you're not in very good company."

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