Saturday, October 19, 2013

Automobile/Driver Stereotypes

I know all of you out there think the same thing, but everybody is too politically correct to say it aloud so I will.  My list of automobile owner/driver stereotypes:

Mexicans/Hispanics Class A:  They all drive Acruas.  Crucifix hanging from rear-view mirror.   Can't see driver's head over seat back giving the appearance the car is being driven by a headless person. 

Mexicans/Hispanics Class B:  Beat up car.  Lots of stuff (crucifix or rosary) hanging from rear-view mirror.  Expired tabs.  One headlight out.  Low-riders.  Booming car stereo base.  Crammed with passengers.  Can't see driver's head over seat back giving the appearance the car is being driven by a headless person. 

Asian Class A:  Wanna be European.  Drive German/Swedish cars. Can't see driver's head over seat back giving the appearance the car is being driven by a headless person. 

Asian Class B:  Toyota Camery.  Swerve into your lane unexpectedly as peripheral vision is lacking.  Box of kleenex on rear window ledge.  Can't see driver's head over seat back giving the appearance the car is being driven by a headless person. 

White Dork:  Dodge minivan or the Chrysler K Car.  The upgraded dorks drive Fords.  Has "Jesus Saves" bumper sticker along with stick-figure family in rear window featuring 10 kids and the dog.  Also has that fish with cross.

Bored Mom on Prozac:  Suburban or equivalent.   Drives with one hand holding a Starbucks coffee in other. Speeds through school crosswalks so her own precious darlings are not late mowing down kindergartners in the process.  Dons workout clothing and a blonde bob.  Has bumper sticker that reads, "My child is an honor student at WhoGivesAShit Elementary."

Guy With Small Penis (subspecies Hick):  Large American truck with large American flag.  Truck raised up 12 feet in air.  Must get running start to jump up and enter cab of truck. Spits tobacco out window which lands on your windshield.

Arrogant White Male Prick:  How do you know when somebody owns a Mercedes, BMW or other luxury vehicle?  They will tell you.  What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW driver?  The porcupine has the pricks on the outside.  Straddles two parking spaces as to not get door dings.

Bitchy Kept White Woman:  Never worked a day in her life but drives white, convertible luxury cars or Land Rovers.  Has little, yappy dog in lap while driving.  Will stop vehicle unexpectedly in random places thinking the other cars should mover around HER.  What does BMW stand for?  Bitchy Marin Woman. 

Black Class A:  Rappers, sports stars, and drug dealers.  Drive once beautiful cars that have been repainted some ungodly shade of fluorescent.  Driver is angled as if mimicking the leaning Tower of Pisa.  Booming car stereo base.  Chains around license plate.  Illuminated running lights.

Black Class B:  P.O.N.T.I.A.C. (Poor Old Nigger Thinks It's A Cadillac).

Self-Appointed-White-Hippie-Do-Gooders:  Prius.  Drives 55 in the fast lane.  Has bumper stickers that state, "Celebrate Diversity, Obama/Biden, Support Organic Farmers, Pies not Bombs, and other assorted nauseating "can't we all just get along" feel-good-holier-than-thou statements.  Usually on their cell phones.  

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