Tuesday, January 1, 2013

After Christmas Calm

I love the week after Christmas.  The world takes a collective deep breath and all the hustle and bustle that pushes the stress level off the charts is finally over with.  All the Christmas decorations are still up.  The goodwill of the season is definately still in the air.  Forced togetherness of family events is over :)  

That brings me to New Years. 

New Years is one of my favorite holidays.  Why?  Everybody is eating and drinking because the self-restrictive resolutions have not yet taken effect.  Nobody is expected to show up anywhere with a trunk load of gifts for unappreciative recipients.  Nobody is expected to travel across the country for a New Years party.  YOU GET TO HANG OUT (guilt free) WITH YOUR FRIENDS/PEOPLE OF CHOICE rather than deal with extended family or inlaws :)  :)   :)  

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