Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Chevy, Chevrolet, Whatever....Same damn crap

Some upper management morons at Chevy demanded that the corporate culture rename "Chevy" to its full name of "Chevroleeeeeeeeet" and the UMM's (upper management morons) have banned ALL employees from referring to their stagnant brand of cars as "Chevy."

Well, La-Di-Friggin-Da............... If THIS is not a Dilbert moment, I don't know what is.

Ya know what? The UMM's sound like the dorky kid in high school who has been known as Fred all of his life then suddenly DEMAND he be call Frederick. Who is Fred trying to kid? He's FRED! He's the same 8 year-old younger sibling we all pounded on. It's the SAME Fred who had his fill of swirlies and atomic wedgies. Fred isn't fooling anybody.

Upper management CHEVY morons take note.

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