Monday, June 21, 2010

Barking Dogs

I love my in-laws. I actually kind of like their yappy little mutts, too. However, my in-law's neighbors can't STAND the yappy little mutts. I suppose I can't really blame them. Who wants to listen to two little mutts yap and yap and yap and yap and yap?

My in-laws just can't figure out why their neighbors are pissed at them. GET A CLUE!!!! More than one neighbor has approached my inlaws on more than one occasion letting them know the barking from the yappy little mutts is driving them insane.

Now, my in-laws are pissed off at the people who are complaining.... What gives? The neighbors have a right to peace and quiet. My inlaws also have the right to own their dogs. My in-laws also have the RESPONSIBILITY to ensure the dogs are not making a nuisance out of themselves and keep the yappy little mutts quiet.

What???? Personal responsibility???? In AMERICA????? Certainly somebody else is to blame, or the complaint is unfounded. Humph.... we are all PERFECT.

Come on in-laws.... Shut your little yappers up or keep them in the house with the windows closed. I may just supply the neighbors with a silent whistle to blow at 1:00 AM when you're fast asleep that will send the little yappers into a barking frenzy in your ear.

Fair is fair, right????

1 comment:

CG said...

I live in a street with a number of yappy little dogs. You know i LOVE dogs. But dogs that are let out late at night (after 11pm) and early morning (before 7) for an hour of yapping drive me demented.
One dog also yaps pretty constantly during the day. On the rare occasions I get to sit in my garden to relax and read, all I hear is "yap" "Yap" "yap" and the very occasional, feeble "Be quiet, Fluffy"...

(Name changed to protect the guilty)