Friday, November 6, 2009

What Are Men To Do?

I feel sorry for men in our society today. They are confused about gender roles and their "new" place in modern society. However, it is time they realize how much women do and it's about time they get their ass off the sofa, put down the remote, and help with the household and the kids. It's about time they show us a little respect. Fair is fair... this is a good subject to rant about, but this is not the rant I am going to go off on today.

In any event, think about how men are treated today. What career options to they really have? We have turned testosterone into a disease that must be feminized. We have totally dismissed traditionally male jobs into something that is now outsourced overseas, or pawned off on illegal immigrants. What viable career options are open to men who are don't fit into the paper-and-book-based educational mold? We have smart, talented men eager to work with their hands and minds to do something meaningful. We have completely devalued them.

They are completely ignored and forgotten by our "feminized" society. It's a strange irony.

1 comment:

tvb said...

We go deer hunting or fishing