Sunday, September 20, 2009

Northern vs. Central California

I was schooled tonight by a native Californian in regards to political pockets. Being raised in Minnesota, I thought that it was ALL of California that was extremely liberal. I have not lived in Orange County or any other part of California other than northern California.

The political beliefs of those on the central California coastal region (and central valley) are very conservative -- meaning republican. They think we in northern California are complete FREAKS! Can you believe that?

Anyway... my friend who "schooled" me is a native central Californian of a conservative, republican upbringing. She happened to marry a northern Californian "hippie" freak of liberal values. She adapted to her husband's liberal view of things.

Talk at the Thanksgiving dinner table with her conservative, republican family have never been the same. When the United States was just contemplating getting into the messy war in the middle east my hippie friend spoke up at the Thanksgiving dinner table and said that the United States had no business going over there to start anything. One of the other conservative, republican dinner guests inserted into the conversation that he was currently serving in the United States military in the capacity of "intellegence." He said, without a doubt, that there were WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION and the United States NEEDED to engage in combat. He *knew* for a fact that the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION were out there because of his title and position.

My hippie friend called BULLSHIT. The evening ended. Everybody went home. A couple of years later they STILL have not found the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION that the so-called-in-the-know-tied-in-military-intelligence-dude was for certain were out there.

We're still waiting.

My hippie friend has too much class to bring this up for conversation at subsequent Thanksgiving dinner table discussions. However, he revels in silent victory knowing he was right all along.

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