Thursday, September 17, 2009

All the World is a Stage

I was reading in the paper today about some local pseudo Donald Trump who wheeled and dealed Somona County investors out of loads of money. Some say he is a local hero who is a victim of the economy. Some say he is an embezzling, kaniving asshole. My bet is on the latter.

I guess it's true. All the world is a stage. All I need to do is put on airs and bullshit people into giving me money. I just need to pretend to know what I'm doing. I can wear fancy clothes and drive around in fancy cars, too. I can also use words like "due dilligence" to dupe investors. Wow... suckers are born every minute.

When my luck runs out I can count on those to whom I have tossed a few bucks to attempt to redeem my reputation testifying to anybody who will listen what a hero I am. The only reason I am a hero is because of money????? Let's look at our core values, people....

Everything is for sale. All the world is a stage.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

money makes the world go round ...