Saturday, January 31, 2009

Caskets at Costco

When you check out at Costco, you can really "check out."
....and I don't mean waiting your turn to get your receipt marked off as you leave....

I don't want to be subject to my inevitable death while exiting a routine, brain-dead shopping excursion complete with a basket piled high with: kitty litter, wine, toilet paper, frozen ravioli, 3 dozen eggs, orange juice, the latest tax computer software, tighty-whities, and butter.

It's a grim reminder of where all things will eventually end..... I don't want to be reminded of it while shopping for day-to-day necessities. I can't speak for all people, but I've dealt with the untimely death of someone close to me where I don't want reminders of it popping up at me while shopping - especially near the exit of a mega store located adjacent to the pizza/snack stand. WHERE IS THE DIGNITY?????

1 comment:

CG said...

I wonder if this is in the UK COSTCOs...must check. Bizarre.