Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Moving to Texas: WTF??????

 I have so many pent up rants about my in-laws I do not even know where to start.  I will start as to whom I am inviting over for Thanksgiving......and more importantly addressing those who will not receive an invitation. 

As I posted earlier, I will have a smaller than normal crowd here come next Thursday for Thanksgiving.  I'm VERY ok with that.

Here's where it gets weird.  My niece, KB,  announced that she is moving to Texas with her baby daddy right after the holidays.  WTF?  My niece, KB, has herself entangled with a guy who wanted to have a kid, but not a wife.  I never liked her baby daddy.  Nobody in the family likes the baby daddy.

My son, who is the most non-judgemental person in the world, dislikes KB's baby daddy with a passion.  I have to admit that my son is a little protective of his cousin.  However, to my son's credit he has tried on multiple occasions to have his bad first few impressions changed.  Everybody has a bad day, or two, or three, right?  Cut them some slack, right?


KB's baby daddy is and always will be a selfish @sshole.  

Here's what I see happening from my almost 6 decades rotating around on this third rock from the sun. BabyDaddy wants to move to Texas to rip BabyMomma (who he as NO intentions on marrying) away from her family.  This way, BabyDaddy will be in FULL control without the pesky family in the way who ultimately has KB's best interest at heart.    

BabyDaddy is dragging KB to Texas, claiming his job is taking him there.  I call bullshit.  It's BabyDaddy's way of abandoning them without being the bad guy.  

When the baby was born, BabyDaddy had high hopes that his son was going to be the second coming of Christ.  Well, that's not happening despite feeding him organic bananas that came from a chimpanzee's ass and milk that came from a gorilla's tit.  

During the pregnancy, because KB was not married to BabyDaddy, cheaping out on prenatal care and delivering the baby at home in a bathtub  did not help.  Sure, it saved $$$$$$$ for BabyDady.  

There are now developmental issues with the kid.  I think the kid is autistic.  On a deep level, BabyDaddy knows this as well and is planning his ditch.

Here is how it's going to go down.  

BabyDaddy is going to drag KB and the baby to Texas.  BabyDaddy is all wrapped up in his work and KB will be home alone with the kid day in and day out.  KB does not have any family nor friends within 5 states and two time zones.  KB will get lonely and resentful.


KB leaves Texas and comes back to California with the baby.  KB will look like the "bad guy" for leaving, sparing BabyDaddy the blame of the break up he really wanted.  BabyDaddy will look like the victim as his babymomma and child abandoned HIM!

BabyDaddy is now rid of his responsibilities and is free to f&*^ around like he has been doing all along.

Don't believe me?  BabyDaddy hit on a female guest at my daughter's wedding where KB was pregnant AND in the bridal party.  

Last year BabyDaddy also told us all that he was at a MEETING in Santa Rosa last year on CHRISTMAS EVE, which fell on a SATuRDAY as to why he was LATE showing up to our party.  Tell me.  He works for the schools.  No schools have meetings on a SATURDAY on CHRISTMAS EVE.  

He was with his other babymomma or other romantic interest. 

My niece is getting played.  She's an idiot to fall for it.  He's f****** around on her and is planning on ditching her and the child they produced as the kid is not the Adonis he thought he would be. 

*****If I could give women one bit of advice, this is what it would be:  Do NOT have a kid with any guy thinking he will take care of you and your baby.  He won't.  He will be gone with the whiff of fresh pussy elsewhere leaving you and the kid you created with him in  the dust. *****

Are you ready to be a single parent?  Are you ready to live in poverty?  This is the harsh reality. 


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