Monday, March 28, 2022

Social Media = Two-Bit Whores

 I'm sorry.  If you have to record every meal, adventure, thought you've ever had, political ideal, how GREAT your kids/marriage are, how educated you are, how holier-than-thou, whatever, you are a social media two-bit whore. Social Fascist. 


Stop posting pics of yourselves in bikinis complete with the little drink in hand with the little umbrella in the glass while you are in Barbados, Mazatlan, Palm Springs, or wherever.  We don't care.  

You think you are great.  You want US to agree with your self-perceived greatness.  Please hit the "like" icon to inflate your ego and to validate your self-importance.  

Your fiberal political posts are also a yawn.  It's so easy to protest the national and global injustice of the week from your keyboard so long as it does not interfere with your GPA at UC Berkeley and future prospects of a job down the road.  

Bottom Line.  Those at UC Berkeley and other "liberal" collages do NOT want  just anybody who applies admitted - despite their social equality pleas that WE ARE ALL EQUAL AND DESERVE A FAIR CHANCE (what a bunch of shit).  Those admitted to the UC system want to throw it in your face how "special" they are.  They want to use it on their resume how WORLDLY they are.  

UC Berkeley students and their like are hypocrites.  Talk about a social/class boundary they try so hard to say does not exist.  They claim that WE ARE SO EQUAL........until it comes to housing, class sizes, SAT scores, admittance to classes, etc.  Then the uber liberals want to exalt themselves as superior whilst cutting the underclass they try to pretend does not exist.  Liberals are fascists.  Phoney to the core. 

We have not even talked about who is going to pay for what.  Liberals cry poor mouth while sipping their soy, gluten-free lattes and charging their Teslas planning their next trip to Europe.  Pfffffffffffff.  

The liberals want YOU to pay for their philosophy.  Bullshit.  They don't even want to pony up their fair share for their own FAIRNESS AND FREEDOM and EQUALITY FOR ALL philosophy.  

Think about it.....if everybody who ever applied was accepted and got a degree from UC Berkeley....being we are ALL so equal and these super-liberals DEMAND we ALL get a FAIR would not mean shit.  The liberals, deep down,  can't stand that it would dilute their brand... and eliminate their superior ego to the brand. 

You don't like what I'm typing.  Sorry if the truth offends you.   

When Berkeley admits ALL those who apply I will believe in their social justice for all, education for all, fairness for all, etc.  Why the need for "test scores" at all? 

UC Berkeley fiberals won't. They are nothing more than money sponsored, BOO-JEEY, trust fund brats thinking they can change the world.  

Sit back and watch the show.  They are what they despise. 

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