Wednesday, March 9, 2022

George Orwell

 My son recently recommended that I read the book 1984 by George Orwell.  I actually remember the year 1984 (I was at the height of high school fun) and the nuances to the book that year were everywhere.  Sorry, I was having too good of a time in high school crushing on boys and obsessing as to what was happening on Friday night after the football game to care about how Big Brother was going to dictate my life.  

Well, now in 2022, I got around to reading it.  I have to admit that in my view it it was kind of a disappointment.  Yes, it was creepy with Big Brother, News Speak, and the Thought Police....and Room 101.  So much of it resonated as this book was written 1949-ish and so much of it has come to fruition.  It's kind of scary how much of it really has crept into our lives under the guise of political correctness.   George Orwell was spot on on so many levels.  He was before his time.  Television monitors snooping on everything we were doing - it's like Amazon's Alexa and Apple's "Hey Siri" listening in on anything and everything we say and do. 

However, the ending of the book left me thinking WTF?????  Maybe I'm too dumb to get it and I need to let it settle in for a bit before I wake up in the middle of the night with the author's deep intent with that special A-HA moment as I sit up straight in bed. 

So, now being intrigued with George Orwell's 1984 I'm now reading his book Animal Farm.  I'm about 1/2 way through and I literally laugh to myself as to how George understood politics and human nature sooooooooo well.  

Wow.  I'm so exciting.  NOT !!!  I read books that were written in the 1940's and blog about it.  Sux getting old. 

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