Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Wedding/Housewarming

Sick of gift and money grabs from quasi-friends and acquaintances of long ago for their weddings (or kids' weddings), housewarmings, baby showers, etc.?   Most of the time these invitations arrive via e-vite, or some other electronic, impersonal form that requires the least effort possible on behalf of the beggar, oooops, I meant sender.  

Decline the invitation.  Do not purchase something off their registry as that's exactly what they want you to do.  They really want you to just fork over gifts/money and not actually interact with you at all.  

Here's how I deal with it.  I reply to the invitation with a gushing and excited response as to how I have missed them and so glad they have reached out as it has been F-O-R-E-V-E-R.  I then tell them that the best way to get in touch with me is by my cell phone, and I give them my number.  I then tell them that I would love to get together for a walk or a lunch and get caught up on what's been happening in their lives and to please contact me....and I really mean it.

99.9 percent of the time it's crickets after that.

See, if you can't make a one-on-one attempt to have an actual relationship/friendship with me leave me off your list of people you think should financially donate to you.  

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