Saturday, March 13, 2021

It's all magically disappearing

 California and other areas of the country are reopening.  The vaccination rate for adults in CA is less than 30% but suddenly covid numbers are down, hospitalizations are down, deaths are down, kids can go back to school, etc., etc., etc.  

None of this is making any logical sense. 

If the "virus" and it's mutants is still truly a huge and deadly threat as the media portrays, why risk reopening?  

Sigh.  Here's why.   $ and votes.  What else could it possibly be?  Yes, I'm cynical.  Just wait until you've been around the block enough times without filters and you'll see.  Just wait until life has handed you lessons that no college course could have ever prepared you for.  It's about money and power.  It always has been.  It always will be.  Even social causes are corrupt.  Take unions, for example.  They were formed because of the working man getting trampled on.  Still, they became what they were despised:  Corrupt and money hungry.  

Wait.  Sounds just like the democratic party.  You think I'm lying?  Try to volunteer and get involved in your local politics.  You will quickly learn that they are *not* for the people and godesses forbid if you veer off their script.  I so wish I could tell you otherwise.  Think for yourselves, people, and don't pledge blind allegiance to ANY political party no matter how appealing their 'cover' message is.  Most of all, please don't take any politics to social media where the look-at-me-self-righteous live and want to cram THEIR message down everybody's throat and write you off as a  moron if you don't agree with their thoughts. 

Another sigh.

I'm numb to it all at this point.  However, I'm dreading not being able to use "the virus" to avoid people and in-person meetings that I have been able to keep at bay for the last year.  I'm loving avoiding all the non-essential travel that has sucked my life force for the last two decades.  I'm so much happier.  I had no idea how much we packed into our schedules until we had the chance to stop and breathe.  

Now, completely switching gears and moving on from the rant.

Here's what I am looking forward to for 2021:  Our trip to South Dakota and Minnesota - driving.  Yes, crappy roadside motels, hole-in-the-wall diners, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Custer's Last Stand, Deadwood, Rapid City, DeSmet (Laura Ingalls - LOL), The Corn Palace, and seeing family and friends, and NO PRESSURE for a timetable.  :)       

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