Sunday, December 13, 2020

Cancelled Christmas

 Christmas has been cancelled at our house this year and I'm strangely OK with it.  Usually, it's standing room only at breakfast.  We're not even wrapping gifts this year.  They are going under the tree in their boxes or bags they came in.  One less environmental crime we are committing; the obnoxious waste of wrapping paper.  The presents themselves are of practical uses.  

It's the stay-at-home order that is allowing us to just be.  THANK YOU!!  It's puzzling as to how many social gatherings and in person meetings I'm still invited to during the pandemic.  Even invoking the stay-at-home orders reason for opting out draws mild criticism.  A fat percentage of the meetings are a complete waste of time, anyway. 

I'm loathing the end of the virus stay-at-home orders and when the world returns to it's hectic pace.  It's so peaceful not running around all the time and not having people in my face. 

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