Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Age of Aquarius

Yesterday was a very special solstice.  There has been a colossal shift in cosmic energy the past week or so.   We had a lunar eclipse that was packed with energy along with Jupiter and Saturn conjoining on solstice.  What a TREAT!  We will be feeling the after effects for decades if not millennia.  

We are moving away from the material and into spiritual or virtual if you will.  Our whole way of operating over the last two hundred years with focus on amassing material things is dissipating.   It's exciting and scary all at the same time.  Like any transition, it will not be without growing pains.  Yesterday marked the door closing and locking on years of exploiting the planet and people for material gain.  It's over.  There is no going back.  Innovation and technology awaits us moving forward.  Feeling as though everything is up in the air is the new norm.  Aquarius is an air sign and it's also very intellectual. 

We've been hearing about it for decades - this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.  

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