Saturday, August 22, 2020

Biblical Plagues

With all that is happening here in California, I keep looking for the locusts, hail, and whatever Biblical plagues that could be unleashed upon us.  This is not fun, people.  Most people think climate change means rising sea levels, which it does (what's Amsterdam's future?) but it also means a change in weather patterns.  California is experiencing strange weather the past few years that lends to all of these fires that are happening.  We've always been prone to fires in late summer due to the vegetation drying out, but now it seems to be constant.

What can you do about it?  Be conscious of what you consume and throw away.  Be conscious how often and how far you travel.  All travel pollutes unless you are walking or biking.  Be conscious of where you live.  Do you really need that huge house?  Be conscious of how many kids you have.  We are already straining the earth's resources.  If we all just cut back even a little bit.  S I M P L E   I S  G O O D. 

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