Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Farm

This picture is my maternal grandparents' farm house in rural Minnesota.  Today it sits abandoned and trashed.  We're lucky it's not a meth lab.  Give it time, and I'm sure the meth-heads will figure it out.  The inside is equally hideous and a horrific smell comes from the basement.  The smell is nauseating.  How did it get this way?  Short answer is neglect from a specific set of cousins who basically stole this section of property and then let it rot (long story).  I'm sure when my childless uncle, who owns and operates the other half of this property, leaves this earth this particular set of cousins will be first in line with their hands out. 

It's sad for me to see the house this way.  I have many, many fond memories of this place and I dream of it often.  I can still see my grandma in the kitchen and my grandpa in his chair in the living room. 

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