Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sugar Bear - Coco Puffs - Lucky Charms - Kool Aid

Remember the 70's?  You know, when we all indulged in just about everything before we found out it was bad for us?  It was the decade of the toxins that were all packaged up and sold to us kids through advertising.  No wonder we are all 300 pounds, diabetic, and have cancer.  

Seriously, we were KIDS when this crap was marketed to us.  We begged our parents to buy it for us as everything on TV is cool and correct.  The marketing execs knew exactly what they were doing.  The way to profits was through the kids' whiny demands. Thank goddesses in a weird way that my parents could not afford packaged foods.  At the time I thought I was the biggest low-life on the planet bringing a plain and boring APPLE (OMG so embarrassing - kill me now) to school as a snack opposed to the fancy-shmancy packaged stuff the other kids had.  The cool kids went to McDonald's at least once a week.  My family never had fast food nor went out to eat.  We had to eat the stuff my grandparents grew and raised on the farm.  Boring and soooooooo uncool.  I was humiliated by my brown paper bag (not the neat-o Charlie's Angels lunch box the "in" girls had) and my boring paper bag filled with boring farm food stuffs. 

Remember Sugar Bear?  This will take you down memory lane.  Sugar as nutritious?  Surely you jest.  Surely Sugar Bear knew....

Remember the Kool-Aid Man?  He crashed through walls to sell us artificially flavored powder that was somehow made "healthy" by mom adding just a cup of sugar.

Remember Lucky Charms?   I just wanted to marshmallows and skip the oats. 

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