Sunday, September 22, 2019

Attempted Murder Trial

I can't make this stuff up, people.  I've been called to act as a character witness for an attempted murder trial on behalf of the defendant who was once my boss.  It's a long, LONG complicated story and history we share that spans several decades and layers upon layers of social circles.  It would take at least a week and a couple bottles of wine to explain it all. 

Why me?  Why was I called to be a character witness?  I have not seen Boss in about 10 years.  It was not even Boss who called me.  It was his over-controlling-money-grubbing wife who made initial contact with me. 

Whatever.  There are things I learned from Boss that I carry with me to this day that could never be taught in school.  He was a great coach.  He was extremely tough and held high standards, and he taught me to be tough as well.  He did have a temper, but so do I and I gave it right back.  Was he violent?  No.  Did he get angry.  Yes.  I've witnessed many times where his face would get red.  I knew that was the precursor to the verbal vomit that was about to erupt. 

Yes, Boss liked to drink and there were times when I would be the one driving him back after an alcohol infused two-martini (at least) power lunch with his posse.  Did Boss try to kill somebody (again, long complicated story)?  My opinion is no but I'm certain Boss got *REALLY* P.O'ed and made it be known he was no longer fooling around.  

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