Saturday, September 28, 2019

Blaming Insurance Companies

Here's the front page of the Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Yes, their insurance is running out.  However, the article fails to specify exactly how the insurance companies failed to fulfill what was in the policy.  Payouts are determined by the policy purchased.  Many insureds opted for subpar coverage with lower premiums thinking they could save a few bucks.  They gambled thinking they would never need the coverage.  They lost the bet.  The insureds got exactly what their policy entailed.  I know blaming insurance companies is easy and convenient.  Everybody hates them and they are easy targets.  How 'bout some personal responsibility on the insureds part for choices made?'s so much easier to blame somebody else, stage a protest, whine, and try to get somebody else to pay. 

No, I'm not politically correct but I write the truth.  Sorry if you can't handle it. 

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