Saturday, May 19, 2018

Royal Wedding

OK.. I remember when Prince Harry's parents were married.  I know that makes me old.  I also remember when the Prince Harry was born.  The tabloids all read, "Diana produces an heir plus a spare."

This is where I totally relate to Prince Harry.  He has red hair.  He is a rebel.  We are both totally overlooked in every aspect possible.  We are the "second team" if that ever needed to be put might there we sit.

Yes, Harry, I know exactly what it feels like to be the spare tire that never gets put to use....and if we do get to change out the flat, we are scrutinized for being wobbly and off-balance - never measuring up to our older sibling(s).

Harry:  I'm GLAD you married the molatto divorcee from LA.  You are breaking all the 'rules' your ancestors paid dearly for.  You are totally bad ass and we love it.  You are the classiest gangsta rebel ever.  You had the courage and guts to marry the woman you wanted to.  The only thing that would have topped this is if you would have married the guy of your dreams.  PEACE OUT.


I'm sooooo white and i'm typing this.    Whatever.  Nobody reads this stupid ass blog anyways.

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