Saturday, February 24, 2018

We Can't Afford to Rebuild

....that's the battle cry of thousands of those who lost their homes in the October fires.  We have personal friends who are in this boat.  The cost of materials and labor, if they are lucky enough to find a reputable contractor, add up very quickly.

Fire victims want a break of the cost of material and labor.  However, where is this price break going to come from?  Suppliers aren't non-profit charitable organizations.  Contractors are not non-profit charitable organizations, but often times end up in non-profit situations.  Many contractors lose money on jobs they bid incorrectly.  Then there is the question of labor.  Most workers in the residential construction realm are illegal Mexicans making $20 per hour with no benefits.  Are the fire victims suggesting that the Mexicans have their slave wages cut even more?  Construction labor doesn't get any cheaper than that, folks.  The people who have the skill to rebuild your home can't even find housing for themselves.

Good luck.

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