Friday, March 17, 2017

Swatting Flies and Mosquitoes: GO AWAY PESTS

More and more I feel like I need a protective shield of some sort that will create a barrier from the ever increasing encroachment on my personal space.  I'm not necessarily talking about all of those pesky flies and mosquitoes that are buzzing around and my efforts at swatting them away are futile.  I'm talking about the never ending annoyances that come at me via junk text messages, junk phone calls, junk mail, junk email, and people wanting me to "fund" whatever it is they think they are entitled to.  Well, I guess it's the same thing. 

There is also the never ending deluge of requests for me to partake in whatever political/social cause somebody with 1/2 the facts and an ingrained bias gets worked up about.  Congratulations.  You have an opinion and I'm NOT your personal on-call army. 

Oh, I forgot to mention the time-suck surveys every transaction wants (and then gets demanding with reminders if you don't volunteer your sacred, limited free-time to improve their business bottom line).  I also forgot to mention all of the ever increasing complications with EVERYTHING.  Want insurance for something?  Good luck figuring out policies and comparison shopping between carriers.  Want to file for your social security benefits you've worked all your life to build?  Good luck with that, too.  They've made it so complicated that they are hoping you will choose wrong.  Want to die?  Well, you can't even do THAT without it being complicated not only for yourself, but for those you leave behind.

Bottom line is that there are too many people making too many problems.  Most of the problems are self-created.  No wonder the millennials are saying "forget this" and living with their parents.  They don't want to own anything - not houses nor cars.  Not owning anything means you won't have any liability, responsibility or get sued for anything.  You won't have to deal with insurance.  Nobody ever sues or tries to collect taxes for people with nothing.

Don't own anything and live in a bubble that lets in only a select few people who have earned your trust.  Let a pesky fly in and pretty soon you'll have nothing but maggots. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fearless Girl

When I saw this picture so many things came to mind.  In regards to myself, I'm faced with agitating the established "good ol' boy" network and call people on their crap.  It's not easy.  I've faced many a snorting a bull pawing the dirt and ready to charge at me when I confront them with their own stuff.  Nope.  People don't like to be called out and held accountable for their own actions and choices.

In regards to my daughter, she is extremely strong and determined and keeps her long-term goals in mind despite wrinkles in her plans.  Nothing ever goes perfectly.  She has accomplished something, and will continue to accomplish something,  that 99.9% of people will NEVER accomplish in their lifetimes.

In regards to females in general, we didn't even have the right to vote 100 years ago.  We had to make a stand to be recognized as human beings and not the property of men.  We still have a LONG way to go as we are still objectified and sexualised (sp?).  In some parts of the world girls are still treated as less than human and only exist to satisfy male sexual appetites.   Real men are not afraid of smart women who can figure them out.  We know how vulnerable you men are.  You're not perfect and we don't care.  We are not perfect, either.  Real men want a relationship and an intellectual connection with females.  Wanting sex is not wrong, it's just wrong when it degrades, humiliates, and used as a power trip. 

RAISE THE STANDARDS OF TREATMENT FOR ALL HUMANS AND RISE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  and that especially goes for you men.  No pun intended.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Marijuana Tax

...really???  California is holding a special election for this?  It could not wait?  I guess the state is hot and bothered about getting their hands on this cash crop NOW.  Oh well, isn't that why we legalized it to begin with?  Legalize it and tax it???? 

Here's the problem.  They will use the tax money to fund anything/everything (like obnoxious public employee pensions) and none of it will get down hill where it truly matters most. 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

No Kids Allowed - No Pets Allowed

More and more I'm seeing people bringing their little, yappy mutts inside of Costco, restaurants, and wherever else.  Despite the "therapy dog" jacket the animal is wearing we are not fooled.  These are not seeing eye dogs for blind people.  Most of the time the owners are self-absorbed a**h**** thinking they are special.  THEIR little Fluffy is the salt of the earth.

Newsflash:  I'm so sorry you can't keep a man in your life and toting a little dog around everywhere is a psychological necessity for you.  Yup.  You're a high-maintenance pain-in-the-*&$@%.  No wonder men run away.  The dog would run away, too, but you take him everywhere with you so he does not get the chance to escape.

I'm also seeing more and more kids of oblivious parents allowing their children to run amok in restaurants, crying, screaming, wiggling, and throwing general temper tantrums.  It's not cute when a 6 year old does it.  We've all been there ourselves with misbehaving kids.  Parents who want to raise well-mannered offspring will give this order of actions when kids start to act up:
1.  The warning "look";
2.  The pinch under the arm;
3.  If the warning "look" and the pinch under the arm don't work drop whatever it is you're doing, even if it's leaving a cart-full of groceries and remove child from premise. 

I know now why the term "children should be seen and not heard" has lasted throughout the ages.  However, I have yet to witness a dog throwing a temper tantrum in public. 

Food for thought:  If people are now allowed to bring their "therapy dogs" everywhere, what's to stop me from bringing my cat, rabbit, or Guinea pig places? 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Online Begging and Gift Registries - I've HAD IT

I can tell graduation and wedding season is getting into full swing.  Spring tends to bring up not only new batches of flowers, but also new batches of BEGGARS.  Yesterday I went on a rant about online begging and such.  I'm sick of people asking me to fund their lives.  Sorry, but we all experience hard times.  You're not special nor unique.  It's called SAVING MONEY FOR A RAINY DAY.  We also experience our own milestones and did not demand cash/presents from people.  The sense of entitlement is sickening.  Don't tell me you can't afford to fund your own lives.  I've seen the pictures of trips to Europe, new cars, and big houses.  You had plenty of money for that stuff. 

I received yet ANOTHER link to an online beg-a-thon.  I'm going to reply with an application for welfare and a cardboard sign for them to hold up at the corner - isn't that what beggars do? 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wedding: Take II

I get that people get married.  I get that people have babies.  I also get that people get divorced.  I  also get that people want me to "fund" their life events.

It's just that it's getting ridiculous.

Never mind that I forked out money for the graduation without ever receiving a thank you note.  Never mind that I also forked out money for the first wedding that lasted 16 months (without a thank you).  Never mind that I sent a gift for the baby with the new girlfriend that was born out of wedlock 19 months later.

I can't keep up with all your life events -- and neither can my wallet.  I can't be expected to simultaneously fund your "divorce" GoFundMe page whilst posting a similar beg-a-thon website in it's likeness for your new baby with a new woman.

Now today the "save the date" invitation arrives via email for the wedding.  Sorry, but I've already funded this person's graduation, first wedding, and a new baby with subsequent partner.  Your second marriage does not warrant yet another raid on my pocketbook.

Here's a thought for all of you:  HOW ABOUT EVERYBODY PAY FOR THEIR OWN SHIT AND STOP BEGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good GAWD ya'all.

Time Suck

Stop wasting my time.  No, I don't want to read your dumb emails that ramble on and on and includes the last 12 strings to people that have nothing to do with me.  I don't want to scroll through it and have to put it all together.  I don't have time for that.  If something is really important pick up the phone and CALL ME.  Besides, many things get lost in electronic communication and there is the danger for misinterpretation. 

The other thing that bugs me is that I'm expected to follow everybody's lives on Facebook.  Sorry, I don't have time for that either.  Even one of my good friends was somewhat shocked and appalled that I did not know the struggles of one of her kids as she posted it on Facebook and i had *no* idea what was going on.  Here's my beef with Facebook.

1.  Electronic gadgets and their "apps" suck way too much time from my day as it is.  I'm expected to instantly respond to emails and texts.  Between my family and my job, I am always "on call."

2.  Why would somebody even post their child's mental, social and medical troubles via social media?  What an invasion of privacy.  I'm sure the kid has suffered enough humiliation as it is.  They don't need their parents' posting sensitive, private information.  I sure wasted a bunch of time advocating for HIPPA privacy.  Never mind  -- some people want attention and "likes" no matter the source.  So sad that they depend on their kid's struggles for it.  Sick.

3.  So, I missed your last 1,000 FB posts and I'm clueless what's going on in your life.  It's hard to keep up with the polarizing political rants,  jokes, and "words of wisdom" quotes for the day and "share" if you agree.  Somewhere I lost that there was really some heavy-duty stuff going on.   No, I don't have a twitter, instagram, snapchat, or whatever.  Such apps only serve those with narcissistic tendencies.  Cough. Cough. 

4.  I'm ALWAYS here if you want to talk.  Just pick up the phone and CALL ME.   Email me.  Private message me.  Text me.  If you make an effort to personally reach out to me, I will go to the ends of the earth to try to be of help.