Friday, March 17, 2017

Swatting Flies and Mosquitoes: GO AWAY PESTS

More and more I feel like I need a protective shield of some sort that will create a barrier from the ever increasing encroachment on my personal space.  I'm not necessarily talking about all of those pesky flies and mosquitoes that are buzzing around and my efforts at swatting them away are futile.  I'm talking about the never ending annoyances that come at me via junk text messages, junk phone calls, junk mail, junk email, and people wanting me to "fund" whatever it is they think they are entitled to.  Well, I guess it's the same thing. 

There is also the never ending deluge of requests for me to partake in whatever political/social cause somebody with 1/2 the facts and an ingrained bias gets worked up about.  Congratulations.  You have an opinion and I'm NOT your personal on-call army. 

Oh, I forgot to mention the time-suck surveys every transaction wants (and then gets demanding with reminders if you don't volunteer your sacred, limited free-time to improve their business bottom line).  I also forgot to mention all of the ever increasing complications with EVERYTHING.  Want insurance for something?  Good luck figuring out policies and comparison shopping between carriers.  Want to file for your social security benefits you've worked all your life to build?  Good luck with that, too.  They've made it so complicated that they are hoping you will choose wrong.  Want to die?  Well, you can't even do THAT without it being complicated not only for yourself, but for those you leave behind.

Bottom line is that there are too many people making too many problems.  Most of the problems are self-created.  No wonder the millennials are saying "forget this" and living with their parents.  They don't want to own anything - not houses nor cars.  Not owning anything means you won't have any liability, responsibility or get sued for anything.  You won't have to deal with insurance.  Nobody ever sues or tries to collect taxes for people with nothing.

Don't own anything and live in a bubble that lets in only a select few people who have earned your trust.  Let a pesky fly in and pretty soon you'll have nothing but maggots. 

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