Sunday, March 5, 2017

No Kids Allowed - No Pets Allowed

More and more I'm seeing people bringing their little, yappy mutts inside of Costco, restaurants, and wherever else.  Despite the "therapy dog" jacket the animal is wearing we are not fooled.  These are not seeing eye dogs for blind people.  Most of the time the owners are self-absorbed a**h**** thinking they are special.  THEIR little Fluffy is the salt of the earth.

Newsflash:  I'm so sorry you can't keep a man in your life and toting a little dog around everywhere is a psychological necessity for you.  Yup.  You're a high-maintenance pain-in-the-*&$@%.  No wonder men run away.  The dog would run away, too, but you take him everywhere with you so he does not get the chance to escape.

I'm also seeing more and more kids of oblivious parents allowing their children to run amok in restaurants, crying, screaming, wiggling, and throwing general temper tantrums.  It's not cute when a 6 year old does it.  We've all been there ourselves with misbehaving kids.  Parents who want to raise well-mannered offspring will give this order of actions when kids start to act up:
1.  The warning "look";
2.  The pinch under the arm;
3.  If the warning "look" and the pinch under the arm don't work drop whatever it is you're doing, even if it's leaving a cart-full of groceries and remove child from premise. 

I know now why the term "children should be seen and not heard" has lasted throughout the ages.  However, I have yet to witness a dog throwing a temper tantrum in public. 

Food for thought:  If people are now allowed to bring their "therapy dogs" everywhere, what's to stop me from bringing my cat, rabbit, or Guinea pig places? 

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