Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wedding: Take II

I get that people get married.  I get that people have babies.  I also get that people get divorced.  I  also get that people want me to "fund" their life events.

It's just that it's getting ridiculous.

Never mind that I forked out money for the graduation without ever receiving a thank you note.  Never mind that I also forked out money for the first wedding that lasted 16 months (without a thank you).  Never mind that I sent a gift for the baby with the new girlfriend that was born out of wedlock 19 months later.

I can't keep up with all your life events -- and neither can my wallet.  I can't be expected to simultaneously fund your "divorce" GoFundMe page whilst posting a similar beg-a-thon website in it's likeness for your new baby with a new woman.

Now today the "save the date" invitation arrives via email for the wedding.  Sorry, but I've already funded this person's graduation, first wedding, and a new baby with subsequent partner.  Your second marriage does not warrant yet another raid on my pocketbook.

Here's a thought for all of you:  HOW ABOUT EVERYBODY PAY FOR THEIR OWN SHIT AND STOP BEGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good GAWD ya'all.

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