Thursday, January 5, 2017

Sooooooo 2009

Social media has hit the wall with the public.  Finally.  Facebook and other social media sites are sooooooooo 2009 and soooooooo last decade when the novelty was just taking off and everybody overshared everything.   Government agencies, internet companies, and businesses have gleefully collected your personal information which was freely volunteered by your insatiable ego's quest for "likes."

Since 2009 many relationships and marriages have suffered trauma incurred by somebody's thoughtless post.  Yup.  Busted.  Now Facebook is nothing more than what email is now.  At first a useful tool to communicate and is now just a noisy nuisance full of urban folklore, snake oil salesmen, fake and sensationalized news, and bragging/preaching posts by individuals.  People are finally figuring it out and being more selective about what they share.  People are deleting their social media accounts.  Businesses and the government have also figured this out and it's no longer the low-hanging fruit of information collecting.   However, there is a danger more insidious.  It's your computer web cam, smart phone web cam, and that thing people are wearing on their wrist.

Just know that there is technology available that records you when you think the camera is not on.  All of these gadgets coming on the market with Siri sitting on the kitchen counter are capturing more than "what is the weather in Denver" while you're chopping onions.  That thing you wear on your wrist is collecting more than how many steps you do in a day and your heart rate.  Also know that the chances are that your computer, smartphone, and thing that you wear on your wrist were manufactured in China.  The public is lined up and paying big bucks for this stuff.  Are you putting all of this together yet?????

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