Thursday, January 26, 2017

Eye of the Hurricane: Yin and Yang

It's the proverbial sh** storm out there, people.  Nobody is happy and people are taking to the streets.  Everything is so polarized politically.  It's like being caught in a category 5 hurricane with forceful rhetoric blowing at us picking up large objects and hurling them at us causing chaos and damage. 

Just remember that the world is imperfect.  It always has been and always will be imperfect.  With every so-called advancement there is a retreat somewhere else.  It's the yin and yang of the universe at work.  Nothing is purely good or purely evil. 

I'm going to remain in the eye of this hurricane and refuse to get rattled emotionally and caught up in the destructive outer winds.  I'm going to mindfully gather my energy and focus it where it will have great impact with laser-like precision.   No wasted exertions.   I'm like a coiled up rattle snake.  You will hear me hiss and rattle my tail.  You will be warned before I strike.  When I do strike it will be fast, sudden, and deadly.  I don't strike often, but you will remember it when I do.  Just ask anybody who has pissed me off;)

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