Saturday, January 28, 2017

Native Hawaiians

Here's some interesting Hawaiian trivia you might not know.  Before I get started, the one that REALLY shocked me was that native Hawaiians do NOT have the same aboriginal rights that native Americans do.  Why?  My guess is that billionaires have no interest in commandeering cold, windy continental prairies with few natural resources to build lush vacation homes.  Hawaii, however, is another story.   Just ask Zuckerberg.

1.  Hawaii has a unique way of giving directions. To point people in the right path, local residents use “makai,” which means toward to sea and “mauka,” meaning toward the mountains;

2. The Hawaiian alphabet consists of only twelve letters. The five vowels are A,E, I, O,U. And the seven consonants are H,K,L,M,N,P,W;

3.  Iolani Palace, in Honolulu, is the only royal palace in the United States. Electric lights illuminated Iolani Palace four years before the White House in Washington D.C. had them;

4.  Hawaii is the most isolated population on earth.  It's no joke how people get "island fever"

5.  Hawaii is the only state that has a tropical rain forest;

6.  Hawaii is the only state that grows coffee;

7.  C and H sugar stands for California and Hawaii;

8.  Hawaii does not have any professional sports teams.  It's all about the H (University of Hawaii sports)

9.  Hawaiians call white people "haoles" (meaning without breath and without soul - breath is the sacred life force)

10.  Newcomers are called "malihine"

11.  It is NOT a term of endearment to be called a haole malihini (white newcomer).  Given the fact that people like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates try to buy entire islands forcing locals out and don't give them aboriginal rights, do you blame them? 

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