Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year!!!!!

Yeah, I know I'm a day late.  I love New Year's Day.  Why?  Because the stress of fulfilling Christmas obligations with decorating, parties, shopping, cooking, etc., are done.  Nobody is expecting presents on New Year's Day.  The new year is full of fresh promise and hope.  It's a new beginning for us as individuals and for the world.  Other than New Year's Day being one of my favorite holidays the other one is Thanksgiving because each year I try to perfect the meal I'm cooking.  I suppose it's the bookends of the traditional holiday season - Thanksgiving to New Year's Day.  The time in between can stress me out, but I have a strong beginning and a strong finish.

What will 2017 bring us?  Hmmmmmmmmmm  let me look into my crystal ball......

1.  ObamaCare:  The new administration wants to strip away ObamaCare.  My question is to replace it with WHAT?  We are still putting it into place and figuring out the quirks in the system.  A social policy change of this magnitude can take YEARS to implement and figure out as there are so many moving parts to health care between hospitals, insurance plans, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, patients.  It's not a simple fix.  Again, the politicians have NO idea what goes on to make the cogs in the machine operate properly.  The politicians get in front of a camera and open up their mouths.  The audience gives an emotional reaction.  The politician walks away from microphone.  We are left with the IMPOSSIBLE task of dealing with the rest and then people wonder why things are so screwed up and change takes forever if it happens at all.

2.  World Peace:  Never has happened and it never will.  The future is always full of peaceful promise, but history is violent.  If the public knew the magnitude of intel information and the delicate state of politics they would all be freaking out.  The Bored Moms on Prozac would quickly realize that there's more to life than complaining about loud leaf blowers and the color of paint the neighbor chose to paint their house.  If they only knew.....  As I said before, I wish the world could be just one big liberal arts campus, but it's not. 

3.  Terrorists:  They come in all shapes, sizes, religions, and ethnicity.  Want the profile of a terrorist?  Look in the mirror.

4.  I smell another housing bubble.  For the life of me I can't figure out how real estate in Sonoma County has appreciated to ungodly levels while incomes have remained relatively stagnant.  I guess everybody is moving up here from San Francisco, but still...

5.  On the positive side I think that people are figuring out that the media is a bought and paid for joke at our expense.  We are figuring out that the earth is a living, breathing being like ourselves and it needs to be cared for.  Well, the native Americans and other tribal societies figured that out a long, long time ago - we just thought them 'savages' and did not listen.

6.  My biggest hope for 2017 is that people of all walks of life, especially politicians, THINK BEFORE THEY SPEAK. 

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