Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Opera Singers, Somoans, and Dance Performances

Quiet Rage had a birthday recently.  Yup.  Another one.  Oh well.. being I don't like the alternative I'll take the birthdays.

This birthday was special -- and not in a short, yellow bus kind of way.  It was special because it was unique.  My dance troupe consists of a bunch of women of mixed backgrounds and races.  At practice the entire troupe belted out the happy birthday song at me.  One woman in the troupe is an accomplished opera singer and teaches opera down in the peninsula.  I have NEVER had a happy birthday song sung to me by a professional opera singer.  Wow!!!!!!  Everybody within earshot dropped their jaw and paused to see what was going on.  It drew people from out of nowhere.  It was spectacular!

The other unique happening was getting birthday greetings from a Samoan in his native language.  Again, I've never had a Samoan say that to me;)

Now it's onto dance...my therapy.  I'm getting snotty about the condition of the dance floor much like a skater gets particular about the condition of the ice.  Humidity makes the floor sticky and can jamb your knees and/or ankles when turning or spinning.  On the opposite end, if the floor is too slick due to dance dust or whatever it can make you slip and loose your footing.  Just like a skater never walks on solid surfaces with blades, I have my shoes that I NEVER wear anywhere but on the floor. 

Which brings me to performances.  I was invited to participate in a troupe in San Francisco that performs publicly.  It's not a fancy competition or anything like that, but this group gets together and does public performances.  I have not performed publicly since high school. 

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