Wednesday, March 4, 2015

CURSive Writing

What's disappearing from our modern culture with the proliferation of technology faster than the buggy whip of the last century with the proliferation of the automobile? 

Cursive handwriting.

Oh yeah...  cursive handwriting is going the way of the do do bird.  Think about it.  Cursive handwriting was a way to keep the feathered quill constantly on the parchment paper to avoid messy and sloppy-looking ink drips.  It's obsolete.

The younger generations spawned from the internet age will gaze in wonderment letters and documents scribed in the mid 20th century and prior like archeologists at Egyptian hieroglyphs. 

Wait.  We don't have to wait until we are mummy dust to have some fun now with little whipper snappers who think they know all.  Want to get back at annoying teenagers who roll their eyes at you because you are sooooooo UNCOOL and dorky trying to use LOL, WTF, BRB, etc.?  I think everybody over the age of 40 should use NOTHING but cursive writing.  Take THAT little shits!

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