Friday, November 8, 2013

The Birthday Gift

I'm learning to turn the bullshit people put on me back to the source.  Granted, it takes practice to recognize it and react.  Here's the scenario du jour....

A friend of mine is turning 50.  A party has been planned.  The party is tomorrow evening.  I get a text message late this afternoon from another friend who is attending the party chirping, "What are you getting X for her birthday?" 

I replied with a text stating, "Oh, probably a bottle of wine."

A couple of hours later I got another text from the same person stating, "Do you want to go in a message $25 each?"

I replied, "sure."

She then texted me asking if I wanted to be the one to go and purchase the gift certificate for a message from the both of us.  That's where I drew the line.  Don't text me pawning off your gift giving obligations onto me.  I was happy with the thought of giving the birthday girl a bottle of wine.  Don't initiate this wonderful 'joint' brainstorm idea *you* had and then suggest *I* do the legwork.  You just want me to do your shit work.  Fuck you. 

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