Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This guy I know was the most impatient father when his kid(s) were growing up.  He had no time for them, and yelled at them constantly.  He pretty much had that kind of attitude for all kids.  Now that he's grandpa it has all changed. 

I think he pretty much still can't stand kids with the exception, of course, of his own grandchild who is the salt of the earth.  If I see him I run, duck, and cover as I will be bombarded with 10,000 daily photos of little precious spitting up and making funny faces tasting a new food, wearing green pants instead of blue, donning a hat, not donning a hat....  . on and on and onandonandon.....

Isn't that what Facebook is for?  Post the pics so we can get a glimpse of little precious so you don't corner us and hold us captive for an hour making us look at baby drool. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Salatore Cordileone

The San Francisco archbishop is against gay marriage, and Salvatore Cordileone is going to the ends of the earth to crusade against it!  Let's follow the church logic for one moment.  I guess it's OK to be a gay child molester as the church will pay out big bucks for hush money because their priests like butt fucking alter boys.  As long as the sexual predator priests do not wish to marry their child love slaves, it's all fine and dandy.

Salvatore sounds like a cheesy politician pandering to what he thinks will bring in the most parishioners who will tithe.....  Hmmmmmmm..... let's see.....  Mexicans are the only ones filling the pews these days, so let's guess what attitudes sell.....  I know, the machismo attitude of anti-gay policies, and promoting a path to legal citizens for undocumented immigrants AND restricted birth control.  Excuse me, but are you a priest or a politician?  I thought there was a separation of church and state. 

Hey Salvatore, your travel arrangements to Mexico have been made.  I'm buying you a first class ticket OUT OF HERE.   Don't let the erect cocks of your priests penetrate you on the way out.  On second thought, maybe they should - you will probably like it. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Second Thought: Romney - Keep Mouth Open

On second thought, I think Romney should keep his mouth open as it truly demonstrates the jackass he really is.  Or is his name RAMney as he likes to RAM it up others' butts -- as all the while he is smiling and batting his eyes. 


Romney is a privileged, white, out-of-touch-robo-dork who has NO clue what it's like to grow up without "daddy's bank account" and name. 

Tell me, Mitt, who would you be without your Dad financing you from birth?  Oh, I'm sorry, Mitt.....I could not understand your response as you were gagging on that silver spoon in your mouth.  We don't need another spoiled, clueless, baby junior in the White House.  Bush et al was enough. 

Give me somebody who came from nothing.  I have no respect for those of born privilege.  Sorry, but your sad sack excuse of a running mate, Paul Ryan, is nothing more than a lame attempt to put on the appearance of being for the working guy.  Wow.  Ryan wants to gut unions.  Tell me again how you're for Wall Street bailouts for millionaires? 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Romney: Staple Mouth Shut

This is downright hilarious at this point.  The Great White Robo Dork's campaign advisers must be throwing in the towel.  Not only does Mitt creep me out with his constant eye lash batting (see my bisexual post from yesterday) but now he's against 47% of Americans he feels "take away from some to give to others."

Wow, Mitt.  How does that fit into my tax dollars supporting Wall Street bailouts or unchallenged government contracts totaling billions of dollars handed out to private businesses (cough, cough your friends) without any oversight? 

Who is taking from whom? 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Gay, Straight, or Bisexual

Just where do bisexual people fit into society?  Many of them have families and all the appearances of a heterosexual lifestyle.  Today there is now room for gay couples to come out in the open and arguments for the acceptance of gay marriage and parenthood.  What about bisexuals? There is no neat box to put them into or black-and-white-either-or category to neatly peg them.  There is no societal acceptance at all from either community. 

This is an emerging social issue that is bound to rear its head.  Why?  I've had a friend cry to me about her cowboy-tough-guy husband's gay porn and his friends beingthisclose on all male hunting trips complete with nude pictures of themselves frolicking. 

Brokeback Mountain?????? 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Make People Disappear: Loan them Money

There is a sure fire way to get rid of people in your life you really don't want around --  simply loan them money.  From that day forward they will avoid you like the plague as people don't want to repay you.  The peace of not having them around is worth it. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

MIddle East Violence: Muslims in Action

WTF???  Riots, death, and looting over a stupid MOVIE?  I don't know who I hate more -- the Muslim freaks or the idiots who made the anti-Muslim movie.

To the idiot(s) who contributed to the movie making:  Congratulations.  You just erased whatever diplomacy efforts have been made in a political powder-keg area.  Yes, you have free speech and bla, bla, bla, blaaaaa (insert republican don't-take-away-my-god-given-first-amendment-rights rhetoric here).  However, along with your freedom comes RESPONSIBILITY.  Just because you HAVE the right to do something, doesn't mean you should.  Liken it to calling the boy in third grade a "shit head" because he wore a shirt you did not like.  Yes, you have the free speech right to do so but not a good idea as I'm sure you got called into the principal's office for doing so...  Your intent was to humiliate and hurt. 

To the Middle East Muslim Freaks:  Congratulations.  You just confirmed the film maker's point by acting like the screaming, violent, murderous crazies they depicted you to be.  You can justify murder and riots over a stupid-ass MOVIE?   The movie was not required viewing.  Grow up and get a life.    It comes across like you all were just looking for an excuse to act like jackasses.  Think of the movie as Hollywood gone bad (which it has).  Just because it's on a screen does not mean it's truth or represents anything but the film makers delusional fantasies.  Separate fact from fiction prior to killing somebody over a film you did not like next time, OK? 

God Gawd.  No wonder there has not been any peace in the middle east for thousands of years. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Yeah, I guess I could be labeled as a 'hippie' to some degree.  However, there is some scary stuff going on in the world that we should be aware of.  There are countries where the children are taught from birth to hate the United States and to take us down.   Does the United States deserve this broad spectrum of hatred?  Maybe - maybe not.  That's not the point.  The point is that we are dealing with an ingrained anti-American mentality that is so deeply rooted no amount of psychotherapy in the world will erase the hatred no matter how many bottles of wine and flowers we bring them. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Airport Security: Back Scatter X-Ray

Maybe it's just me, but traveling by air these days has me feeling more than a little creeped out.  Not only do I have my personal belongings pawed through looking for excess hairspray and hand sanitizer, but now I'm being asked to appear naked to the TSA by use of their 'back scatter' x-ray machines that also, by the way, emit radiation. 

Ah.... no thanks.  

I always opt out of the radiation-humiliation-back-scatter x-ray injection for a pat down, which is just about as condescending.  Sorry, but I don't like to be felt up by 4'5" Phillipinos. 

Does it not strike anybody as odd that the EU banned the use of back scatter x-ray technology?  I guess the EU does not have the spouse of a congressman with millions of investment dollars at risk implementing the technology across the nation.  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Signature

Today something hit me emotionally at a meeting that I was not quite expecting.  I sit on a multi-employer trust fund in a supervisory capacity for health benefits.  Today the absurdity of our system hit home.

I arrived at the meeting shortly prior to the adjournment time - of course running late as so many things are demanding my perceived immediate attention these days.  I sat down at the meeting table with a cup of coffee nodding my 'hello' greeting to other attendees. 

As I mindlessly started signing forms and applications that needed my approval, one stood out.  I paused.  The form I was signing was to approve a 'temporary disability' application from a young man who was diagnosed with cancer.  I gazed at his shaky signature at the bottom of the form that obviously took quite a bit of effort.

I held up the application to the fund administrator and asked what was going on.  She sheepishly told me that the young man had died prior to needing any 'temporary disability' benefits as the cancer took his life. 

I became saddened and enraged.  Why should anybody who is on their death bed have ******g forms shoved in front of their face to sign?  Is this is what the health care industry has become?  Mind you, I get paid ZERO to sit on this trust fund, but that is not the point.  The point is that the system is what it is because so many people have tried to SCAM it to pad their own pockets.  Now we have to have people dying on their death beds signing forms trying to keep fraud under control.  Pathetic. 

I hope you're happy, disability scammers. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lincecum and the Wicked Witch of the West

Lincecum:  Mom!  I told you NEVER to tell anybody you were my mother.....
WW of the West:  I'll get you my pretty...... and your little marijuana cigarette, too.