Monday, September 24, 2012

Salatore Cordileone

The San Francisco archbishop is against gay marriage, and Salvatore Cordileone is going to the ends of the earth to crusade against it!  Let's follow the church logic for one moment.  I guess it's OK to be a gay child molester as the church will pay out big bucks for hush money because their priests like butt fucking alter boys.  As long as the sexual predator priests do not wish to marry their child love slaves, it's all fine and dandy.

Salvatore sounds like a cheesy politician pandering to what he thinks will bring in the most parishioners who will tithe.....  Hmmmmmmm..... let's see.....  Mexicans are the only ones filling the pews these days, so let's guess what attitudes sell.....  I know, the machismo attitude of anti-gay policies, and promoting a path to legal citizens for undocumented immigrants AND restricted birth control.  Excuse me, but are you a priest or a politician?  I thought there was a separation of church and state. 

Hey Salvatore, your travel arrangements to Mexico have been made.  I'm buying you a first class ticket OUT OF HERE.   Don't let the erect cocks of your priests penetrate you on the way out.  On second thought, maybe they should - you will probably like it. 

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