Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Safeway Drunk

I'm so glad I'm detaching from Clan Whack-o.  Yes, I have my own co-dependency and denial issues to contend with, but this one makes mine look so miniscule in comparison. 

About 2-3 years ago an in-law had weight loss surgery.  You know, the kind where they basically cut your stomach out.  Yeah, she was a fat, lazy slob.  It did not occur to her to try exercising.  Go for the $50,000 procedure right out of the gate.  I'll save the part about expensive health care for another rant.

Anyway.....  since the surgery she has become a drunk addicted to pain pills.  All she did was trade one addiction (food) for another (booze and pills).  The root of the problem was never addressed.  This in-law is drunk by 10:30 in the morning.  Her own kids can't stand to be around her. 

Enter Safeway.  One night the drunk in-law wants more booze (she was already inebriated).  She walks to Safeway to get it.  She gets it.  On the way home she trips on the sidewalk and smashes her face and ended up in the ER room. 

Get this:  Now the mother and husband are going after SAFEWAY saying they never should have sold her the booze.  WTF???????  It's all Safeway's fault!  You've got to be kidding me!  This is the kind of co-dependence and denial that drives me INSANE.  It's her own damn fault she tripped.  Classic example on how this messed up family will never change.  Everything is always somebody else fault. 

Which brings me to the approaching holiday season.  I've already bowed out of Thanksgiving as there are super important Brady Bunch re-runs to watch.  Now all I have to do is dodge hosting anything for Christmas. 

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