Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Romney Concession Speech

This is one moment where I think Michael Jackson would have handed the latent gay Mitt Romney a tissue to wipe his batting eyes swelling with tears of defeat. 

Boo-hoo Mitt.  I guess your special Mormon underwear and references to God failed you.  Just WHERE is this mystical being you all were so CERTAIN would victoriously sweep you to the White House steps now?  Oh, I guess God voted for Obama.  How are you religious freaks going to spin that one? God is now evil?  God does not know what He is doing?  I'm waiting for the God-bashing-because-my-candidate-did-not-win to begin. 

I'm sure Fox News will schedule a special news conference with God.  Personally, I can't wait to see it. What?  God is not available for an interview?  Shocker. 

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