Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Presidential Debate

Tonight it was the Great White Robo Dork against the half and half.  Still, both are men and think they "get" what it is that makes America great.  Both delivered what they believed people wanted to hear.  My take?  Here goes....

Tonight Mr. President appeared beaten by the system.  Sure, he was the eternal optimist four years ago.  I also blogged (four years ago) that it matters not who is elected president as everything is too complicated to change, and that people would lose their enthusiasm quickly for "the change" promised.  I knew that. The Great White Robo Dork is capitalizing on that.  It's too convenient to blame the current administration.  We've been messed up for decades. 

Trust me when I say that neither candidate can fix our woes.  People are greedy.  People always want something for nothing.  People will always try to scam others to pad their own pockets.  This goes from Wall Street executives to those scamming welfare, workers' compensation and medicare.  The monetary scale of the scamming differs, but the fundamental attempt to take advantage of the system, bend the rules, and tell half truths for personal gain is universal.

Both sides advocated how they are for the middle class.  What does that mean?  Having citizens go bankrupt for medical bills despite holding down a legitimate job for 30 years?  Having millions lose their jobs due to automation and outsourcing overseas?   My simple question to Romney would have addressed that if he is soooooooo for building the middle class with increased wages and benefits, why did he choose a running mate notorious for gutting unions? 

In the real world observation I see people (both democrats and republicans) continue to hire illegals for manual work to save a buck.  Don't think that your house painting job, lawn mowing, or babysitting is too small of a job to matter.  It does. 

Bottom line:  You are the asshole.  Period. 

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