Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bleeding Heart Liberal

I do have a soft heart.  Perhaps I come across ultra bitchy in this stupid, useless blog but this is where I park my anger and frustration.  To be honest, I would have a hard time murdering somebody or causing them any type of harm even if they REALLY made me angry. 

Which brings me to the death penalty.  There is a proposition on the ballot here in California about abolishing the death penalty.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.  I'm not one who wants to kill everybody that steals a stick of gum from 7-11.  On the other side I do struggle with people getting away with murder - literally.   Lifelong health benefits?  People would kill for that.  No pun intended. 

Bleeding heart liberals like to believe that with proper 'help' all those who are criminal can be rehabilitated.  Sometimes people are just downright wired to evil and no amount of rehabilitation will help them - ever.  I'm not saying rehabilitation is useless.  I'm saying that more often than not people will return to their old destructive behaviors. 

True story.  I know of a very generous business owner.  There was a homeless guy who hung around the shop.  The business owner, having a huge heart, felt sorry for the homeless guy and offered him a job doing tasks for the business such as sweeping floors, etc.  The business owner also subsidized housing for the homeless guy.  How was the generous business owner rewarded?  The homeless guy held up the generous business at gunpoint and robbed him.  The homeless guy fled on foot and was never caught. 

Just where do we draw the line between helping and enabling continued criminal behavior?  

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