Sunday, February 26, 2012

Toxic Toys from 1970's

Allow a trip down memory lane.  Do you all remember Stretch Armstrong?  My little brother had one, and I was curious.  What was inside that thing?  If you punched it, it was like hitting a wall of cement.  If you pulled the arms just so, they could circle the earth.  If you threw it across the room it would go through the wall.  Just WHAT was that mysterious filling on the inside that made it all possible?  So, I cut Stretch Armstrong open with a knife.  A gooey, clear gel came out that to this day I still can't figure out just exactly what in the hell it was.  Whatever.  My little brother was pissed as hell for ruining his toy.

While we're on the the subject, do you all remember Slime?  It came in like a little plastic garbage can that made a fart sound when you took it out.  It was an oozy green slime that would immediately pick up pet hair, dust, cracker crumbs, or whatever else was on the surface of your kitchen floor.   After a bit it was like playing with a giant booger.  Ahhhhhhhh.... fun times.

Then we get to Pop Rocks.  I don't want to come off as a wimp, but sometimes Pop Rocks hurt like HELL!  It was like having a shot gun bullet go off in your mouth.   1976 Bicentennial fireworks for the mouth.  Ouch.

Bottom Line:  Who had the initial idea of packaging up toxic waste and passing it off to kids as a toy?  Brilliant. 

I think I have some old airplane glue in the garage.....  possible toy??????

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