Monday, February 20, 2012

Figure Skating vs. Roller Skating

Not the usual angry, bitter rant today but just an observation.  I'm a pretty good figure skater.  I'm also an ok roller skater.  I'm definately not competition worthy, but I can glide on the ice, spin, etc., and look like I know what I'm doing.  At the roller rink I could hold my own, skate backwards and not fall head first. 

My point in all of this is that I think rollerskating is more difficult than figure skating.  Why?  I think rollerskating feels like I have lead blocks on my feet.  Roller skates are heavy and akward.  The wheels demand a lot of effort to spin and do other tricks. 

Figure skating, on the otherhand, feels light.  Blades provide for precision with a lot less effort.  Turning, spinning, etc., don't require the hard force on your ankles that the clumsy wheels do.  When I rollerskate I feel like I'm driving a car without power steering, as the simplest moves take such an exaggerated effort.  Figure skating is smooth and easy in comparison. 

Moral of the story:  Have respect for rollerskaters. 

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