Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Old Dutch Potato Chips

Those from the midwest can still hear the jingle to this day.......... "Old Dutch Potato Chips."

Oh yeah..... there is still the familiar chip bag at 7-11 next to the slurpee machine with the big-ass picture of the wind mill on it.......

My BFF from grade school used to baffle me with the sandwiches she would eat.  It was bologna in between two slices of white bread , a slice of velveta, Miracle Whip, and topped with OLD DUTCH POTATO CHIPS.  The chips would give it that irrristible sandwich crunch.  To hell with Taco Bell thinking their "crunch wrap supreme" with ooozy cheese and corn chips is something new.  We've been scarfing that toxic shit since we first got stoned in 1975. 

Fat.  Salt.  Crunch.  We were in heaven.  You ain't got nothin' on us.  Try again.  Homeboy.

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